“Insect” featured on BineMusic compilation

c-Row April 11, 2010 0

When I am not working on mashups or DJ sets, I am doing some original tracks as well. Fortunately for some, I do a lot of mashups, therefore I (unfortunately for others I hope) don’t find the time for working on my own stuff very regularly. But not anymore!

Various Artists | 2010
Various Artists | 2010

My own track “Insect” is featured on the “Various Artists | 2010” compilation released on BineMusic this week. It’s a surprising departure from my usual output, but those who know my previous tracks on the label will hopefully feel familiar with it. The 2×12″ will be exclusively available at the BineMusic webshop, while those who prefer their music in 0’s and 1’s can purchase it through the usual outlets including iTunes, Boomkat, Beatport and others.

For those who never heard about my other work before, there’s an audio sample available of course.


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