Funk From The Future

c-Row September 17, 2014 0

To ease the waiting time until Future Funk Squad’s “Darker Nights” remix album arrives (soon!) I give you another mashup I created while trying to throw together another DJ set.…

Fixing What’s Not Quite Broken

c-Row July 25, 2014 0

Sometimes a mashup can be more about fixing what’s already there: even though Fisso & Spark already did a remix for Hexadecimal’s “Open Your Eyes” it was a departure from…

A Cyberstorm Is Coming

c-Row June 28, 2014 0

Ok, hands up everybody who is old enough to remember Missionforce Cyberstorm. Ah, I see. Well, for those of you who have never heard of it, MFCS was a turn-based…

Can You Hear The Sun Screem?

c-Row June 13, 2014 0

Alright, so summer finally has arrived in Germany, bringing with him high temperatures, spontaneous thunderstorms and a great excuse to consume as much ice cream as your body can handle.…

In The Meantime, Here’s Some Music

c-Row September 17, 2013 0

First, my most recent mashup. Nu-skool breaks vs. not-so-nu-skool anymore breaks. What comes after nu-skool? Middleschool breaks? [soundcloud][/soundcloud] And the DJ set it was featured in. [soundcloud][/soundcloud] Kid Panel –…

Dirty Beats Done Dirt Cheap .09

c-Row April 22, 2013 0

Here’s episode 9 of my rather irregular series, as aired on Friday 12th on Kick Radio to some great feedback. Thanks, folks! 🙂 [soundcloud][/soundcloud] Pag “I Believe In Cosmic Love”…

Dirty Beats .08 goes live

c-Row November 30, 2012 0

Better late than never – after taking a long break, occassionally interrupted by a mashup or two, there has been a new episode in the not yet overly famous Dirty…